December 18, 2007



Studies in recent years about obesity and overweight tendencies in human beings have shown that people who are obese and over-weight are consuming food, which is more than their actual energy requirements.

One needs to have a balanced caloric intake in order to balance the energy proportion in his/her body. People who are very eagerly trying for weight loss need to make wiser choices while consuming food and be more active. Weight loss cannot be achieved without calorie control.

Here are few weight loss diet tips for you:

  • You can adopt for yourself the weight loss diet of calorie control intake by consuming measures of food that have low calories such as most of the vegetables, fruits or fresh vegetable soups.
  • You would also need to reduce your intake of alcohol, added sugars and fatty foods. You need not stop eating food with calories all together.
  • You can pick fat-free or low fat products, whole grains, fruits and vegetables to ensure that your body is not deprived of the vital nutrients in your zeal for a weight loss diet.

An ideal weight loss diet would be one that would have an item from each food group such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other nutrients that have lesser amount of calories.

You need to strictly reduce your sodium, cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats intake to achieve a healthy weight loss.

Diet control is always the first and best option for weight loss. The weight loss diet, which you should follow, should include fat, carbohydrates and protein, each containing 25-30% calories, 45-65% calories and 10-35% calories respectively.

All those weight loss diets, which have very low or very high amount of fat; carbohydrates or proteins, are not advisable. You need to bring about a gradual change in your lifestyle in order to reduce your weight and maintain it steadily.

For more Information on Weight Loss Diets Visit

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December 12, 2007

Ten ways to cut Calories


A food’s fat content is important, but when it comes to weight loss, total calories are more important. So many of the low fat products on the market aren’t calorie reduced. For example, 2 tablespoon of reduced-fat peanut butter have the same number of calories as the regular kind. And replacing a tablespoon of butter on a bagel with 2 tablespoons of jelly eliminates the fat but doesn’t change the number of calories. Let’s explore some calorie-cutting tricks.

Paying attention to the Nutrition Facts.

Seemingly healthy foods can be surprising sources of calories and fat, so make sure to check out the details on the Nutrition Facts panel on the food label. A container of Ramen noodles, for example, packs 15 grams of fat and 400 calories; a bran muffin can top 10 grams of fat and 250 calories. Portion sizes can be deceptively small, too. A serving of sugar-sweetened ice tea contains 60 calories, but each bottle often contains two servings. And a serving of ice cream or other frozen dessert is a skimpy ½ cup.

Limiting alcohol

Alcohol, although fat free, delivers 7 calories per gram or about 70 calories per ounce (2 tablespoons). The higher the proof, the more calories alcohol has: 80-proofalcohol averages 65 calories per ounce, and 100-proof alcohol comes in at 85 calories per ounce. The average light beer has about 150 calories. And don’t forget, usually the nibbles served with alcohol are high in calories.
In addition to the calorie wallop, alcohol whittles away your resolve to stay in control of your eating. And any cardiac benefits you may derive from drinking such as that seen in men who drink a daily glass of red wine, are not nearly as important as those you derive from weight loss and exercise.

Switching to smaller plates

Serve yourself in a salad-size plate, about 8 inches in diameter, rather than on a dinner plate, which is typically 10 to 12 inches in diameter. Your portion sizes will be closer

To those suggested in the Food Guide Pyramid and more in tune with the number of calories you should be eating.

Asking for the kid size

It may seem like a bargain, but is an extra 240 calories for 49 cents really a good way to spend your calorie budget? That’s the difference between a small order of fries and large one. Kid-size popcorn it most movie theaters contains 150 calories, but a large size can top 1,000 without the butter-flavoured topping. A child-size soda (8 ounces) has about 95 calories; a large soda measuring 36 ounces or more contains at least 400.

Eating Proper Portion Sizes

Nibbling from packages of crackers and shaving “tastes” from the brownie pan or forkfuls of cake from the platter can add up to plenty of calories and more than you think you’ve eaten. Portion out everything you eat onto a small bowl and put the package and pan away.

Use measuring cups and spoons to portion out a serving onto your dinner-ware. Study and memorize how it looks. What does ½ cup of ice cream look like in your dessert dishes? One cup of whole-wheat cereal in your breakfast bowl? One cup of pasta on your dinner plate? Five ounces of wine in your stemware? You can mark your dinnerware and glassware with a dot or dash of nail polish to remind yourself. If you have oversized dinnerware, use the salad or dessert plates. You may even consider buying a luncheon set, which has smaller plates.

Dining in the Dining Room

When you bring the plates to the table already filled, you won’t be tempted to pick from serving bowls and platters in front of you. You’re also forced to go out of your way for seconds and thus have the chance to reconsider. An added benefit: Because you don’t have to dirty the serving bowls and platters, you have fewer dishes to wash.

Eating Slowly

Your brain takes a full 20 minutes to register the fact that your stomach is full. Try putting your fork down and taking a sip of water between bites. Chew your food well and don’t load up your fork or spoon until you swallow what’s in your mouth. Doing so enables you to more easily recognize when you are full.

Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains without butter, dressings, or sauces take up stomach space, leaving less room for denser high-calorie foods. They also take more time to chew and ea. Consider the fact that a teeny little pat of butter has as many calories as 3 cups of broccoli or that 1-inch cube (1 ounce) of cheddar cheese has the same number of calories as 1 cup – that’s 8 ounces – of bran flakes.

Switching to Lowfat Dairy Products

Dairy is one place where going with the reduced-fat, lowfat, or fat-free variety makes sense, because the calories are significantly reduced in the lowfat version. For example, an 8-ounce glass of whole milk contains 150 calories, but the same amount of fat-free (skim) milk has only 85. One ounce of regular cheddar cheese has 114 calories, but reduced-fat and lowfat varieties contain 80 and 49 calories, respectively

Note one exception, however: Dairy products, such as ice cream and flavored yogurt that are marketed as reduced-fat, lowfat, or fat-free often contain added sugar to make up for the loss of flavor and texture that fat provides. Don’t be fooled into thinking that they provide fewer calories, too. Always check the calorie content on the Nutrition Facts panel of the food label.

Remembering That Dull Is Better

Not dull as in boring, but dull as in not shiny. At the salad bar, shiny means a thick coating of oily (high-calorie) salad dressing. Vegetables that shimmer usually have butter added to them. Muffins that leave a grass slick on your napkin have more calories than ones that don’t. Bread or rolls that are slick with butter…you get the idea.

Cooking Meats with Methods That Start with the Letter B

Broil, barbecue, bake (on a rack), or braise meats, and you save many calories over frying, sautéing, and stewing, because the fat and therefore its calories) has a chance to drip away from the meat.
Cooking chicken and other poultry with the skin on and removing it after it’s been cooked is fine, because the meat absorbs little of the fat but stays moist.

About the Author: Jin is a 29 year old Singaporean who managed to cut his weight from 65 kg to 56 kg in 2 months. He applied a very advanced and effective weight loss program available on the internet right now.

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There is a lot of infringing information that is available about the exact composition of nutritious and healthy diets. This sometimes creates problems regarding the separation of the fact from the fiction. Normally, it is simple to follow a good diet just by making minor changes to the current diet.

Majority of the people are unaware of the tremendous impact of a good and healthy diet on the quality of lives. The difference in a poor and good diet is similar to the difference in having poor health and good health. People do not choose poor health. It comes with following of a poor diet regime.

A nutritious diet is important in determining the weight of the individuals in a similar way as physical activity is. Overweight people have various diseases associated with them such as diabetes, heart diseases and high levels of blood pressure.

Types of Diets:

There are different types of diets that are present. They are as follows.

• The diets concerning weight loss restrict specific food intakes or the food in general for the purpose of reducing the body weight. Here, it has to be noted that the weight loss diets that work for a person do not necessarily work for others on account of the different lifestyles. Some of the people also find the regimes of the weight loss diets very tiring and difficult to follow. Maintaining the loss of weight is actually more difficult than loosing it.

• Most of the athletes on the professional levels impose diets that help in gaining weight. The football players of the United States try bulking up with the help of such diets of weight gain. This gives them the edge on the football field. The bodybuilders also engage in such kind of diets.

• The people who are underweight also take weight gain diets for recovering maybe from diseases such as Anorexia nervosa. These weight gain diets are different from those taken by the athletes and sportsmen, as they help in restoring the normal muscle, body fat and nutrient levels of the body.

Diets and Children:

As more and more cultures are taking stock of their diet regimes, most of the people consider the idea of putting the children on such restricted diets. But, it has to be noted that such diets actually do harm to the children. They are very deleterious to the health of the children as a balanced and full diet is extremely important for their growth.

Vegetarian diets are helpful for the children if all the required nutrients are received through them. Research has proven the fact of the harmful effects of putting children on diets. The consultation of the doctor is recommended before deciding on a particular diet regime for the children.

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There are a number of weight loss programs that have been developed to help those who want to lose weight. However these programs require you to be much disciplined in terms of the food that you consume and the exercise that you opt for. The exercises that you opt for initially should be such that they don't exhaust you much.

You should increase the difficulty of the exercises gradually. You should always start of with the body warming exercises and then shift to the tougher exercises. There are a number of people who have found an efficient reduction of weight with the help of these weight loss programs. If you follow programs you would have to keep a check on the calories that you consume. If you consume calories less than what you can burn then you can easily reduce your weight. The different foods that we eat have different calorie content. Hence you can refer to the diet chart and the calorie chart to take a note of the calories that you consume every day.

Similarly there are charts that tell you about the calories that you can burn with the different exercises. Hence by calculating the calories intake and the calories burnt you can keep a check on your weight. One of the best ways of losing weight rapidly is with the help of the weight loss pills. There are a number of pills that are available in the market. Not only are these pills efficient in weight loss, but they take care of the excess fat that is contained in the body. You may refer your doctor for the pills if you are looking for a rapid weight loss.

There are a number of other products related to weight loss and calorie reduction. Some of the products that have been launched lately include the weight controlling belts and the vibrators. Although some of these products are useful in reducing the weight effortlessly and rapidly you should always consult your doctor before you use them. There are different exercises that are specifically meant to reduce your weight easily. You can take the help of yoga to rapidly reduce your weight. The yoga exercises are meant to provide flexibility to your body. You can not only reduce weight but freshen up your mind with the yoga exercises.

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December 11, 2007

Easy Weight Loss Exercise


Losing weight isn’t just about changing what you eat but how you live and that includes adding or increasing the amount of exercise you do. There is also the option for the type of exercise you do. You don’t have to run to the gym and pick up a set of weights then spend an hour pumping iron in order to lose weight. Actually, you want exercise options that get your heart pumping and your entire body moving. Walking is a great weight loss exercise like skating, jogging, and biking are as well. Swimming is great too for working out the entire body. It also is a low impact exercise so you if have injuries or are medically restricted swimming may be an option for you as a weight loss exercise.

Exercises such as Yoga and the martial arts, even dance can help you to lose weight. If you don’t have time for these things consider using your house work as a way of getting more exercise in. Add washing windows, or sweeping every day, vacuuming every day as well can provide a great way to get in some exercise while doing everyday chores you have to do anyway.

If you pay someone to do your lawn for you consider taking time off from paying them to take care of it yourself for a while. You would be amazed how much exercise you can get mowing your lawn. Taking a few extra minutes to park farther away from locations so you can get extra walking in can really help out as well. Consider if you have the time the mall walk. Many malls open their doors early to allow walkers to enjoy exercise while under air and in a covered building. Depending on the mall this can be a daily thing or just on certain days.

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5 Tricks For Toning Your Mid-section After Having A Baby


In my experience working with post-natal women, one of the hardest areas to bring back to “pre-baby” shape is the mid-section.

Understandably so... After carrying around their big bundle of joy for all that time, many moms find it difficult to train and tighten their stomachs in a way that will let them get that sexy, tight look again.

The following are 5 tricks that women who have had children can use to help get a firmer mid section.

1. Don’t Slouch

This is probably the single quickest fix for a weak mid-section. Most women, after having been pregnant for so long tend to have poor posture and as a consequence, their shoulders tend to “hunch” forward. The mere act of standing tall, as if you were standing up against a wall, will help keep your abs tight. Additionally, keeping good posture is an acquired habit and after doing it consistently for a while, the body will begin to do it unconsciously thereby helping you look slimmer and sexier.

2. Exercise First Thing In The Morning

Doing a quick workout first thing in the morning ensures that your metabolism revs up and gets going early on. A quick jog, a walk on a treadmill or a few minutes on a stationary bike will help you get your energy flowing before breakfast and will bring up your calorie burning machinery for the rest of the day. Just remember to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, especially if you are exercising immediately after waking up.

3. Get Used To Always “Sucking-In” Your Belly

It is a little mentioned fact that most celebrities, when being photographed, actively suck their stomachs in or they risk being captured in those photos with a big, unflattering protruding belly. In other words, most people – regardless of their fitness level – unless they hold their stomach in, will tend to have their abs bulge out. By actively keeping your abs tightened or “sucked-in” on a regular basis, your abdominal muscles will tend to get used to this state and will hold that tightness even when you are not paying attention or thinking about them.

4. Don’t Forget Your Lower Back

Your mid-section consists of more than simply your abdominal muscles. When working your middle, don’t forget to also include exercises that will work your lower back. This will not only help you look tighter and have a better posture but it will also help prevent lower back injuries.

5. Exercise Your Legs

Although at first glance both areas may not seem related, your legs are composed of some of the largest muscles in your body and as such, they can be your best allies in helping you burn off large amounts of calories. A combination of aerobic and resistance training for your legs will not only help give you the lean, toned and sexy legs you desire, but by burning extra calories, you will be losing body fat all over your body – including from your mid-section.

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Causes Of Cellulites


Adopt from WIKI PEDIA, the causes of cellulites are poorly understood, and several changes in metabolism and physiology may cause cellulite or contribute to cellulite. Among these are a disorder of water metabolism, abnormal hyperpolymerization of the connective tissue, and chronic venous insufficiency.

Hormonal factors

Hormones play a dominant role in the formation of cellulite. Estrogen is the most important hormone. It seems to initiate, and aggravate cellulite. Other hormones including insulin, the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin have all been shown to participate in the development of cellulite.

Predisposing factors

Several genetic factors have been shown to be necessary for cellulite to develop. Gender, race, biotype, a hormone receptor allele that determines the receptor number and sensitivity, distribution of subcutaneous fat, and predisposition to circulatory insufficiency have all been shown to contribute to cellulite.


Diet has been shown to affect the development and amount of cellulite. Excessive amounts of fat, carbohydrates, salt, alcohol or too little fiber can all contribute to an increased cellulite.


Smoking, lack of exercise, tight clothes, high heeled shoes, and sitting or standing in a single position of long periods have all been correlated with an increase in cellulite. A high stress lifestyle will cause an increase in the catecholamine hormones.

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Think Beautiful : Remove Cellulite With Regular Exercises !


Cellulite describes a condition that occurs in men and women where the skin of the lower limbs, abdomen, and pelvic region becomes dimpled after puberty.

Cellulite is a regular phenomenon occurring mostly in women, this phenomenon has been waiting for a correct remedy so that women can again enjoy smooth skin.
Cellulite does not occur in fat women only, it also appears among thin women। Cellulite is a formation of sac like substances, which are filled with
fat, water and toxins.
Cellulite is a major problem for women. This problem is so wide spread that it has not even spared the celebrities; there are certain steps you can use to try and reduce cellulite, if you cannot eliminate it altogether. Cellulite can keep on forming even if remove it by surgery.

Reducing cellulite is not an easy task, but all those women who are determined for a smoother skin will surely go in for reducing cellulite through exercising and bringing out a complete change in their diet and other habits.

Main reason for formation of cellulite has been identified as presence of high amount of toxins inside of body, which body could not remove through normal processes like bowel movements, urination and sweating. These toxins combine with fat cells and water thus forming cellulite in those places that are most likely to accumulate fat.

Cellulite reduction therefore involves many aspects that you require inculcating for healthy living. Firstly you need bringing out a change in your lifestyle. Active people are least likely to get cellulite, if you have been going slow or have been generally for some time, it is about time you got up and started the active life again.

Try and follow simple rules, avoid use of car or any other vehicle if you have the time and the destination is at a distance comfortable for fast walking. You will save on gas, reduce pollution and reduce your weight too. Try and motivate yourself for visiting the gym regularly, keep the timing to the one, which is realistic so that you can achieve the target.

  1. Drink water; whenever you put a glass of wine or alcohol to your mouth think of cellulite, most alcohol beverages have toxins, which contribute to formation for cellulite. Fill up the glass instead with water. Water helps in hydrating the skin, helps removal of toxins through urine and sweat and also allows smooth bowel functioning.
  2. Try and compensate the red meat, with a lot of vegetables and beans and legumes. You will most probably get same amount of nutrition minus the fat and cholesterol. Both contribute towards toxin formation, therefore greens and low fat food will do you good.
  3. Try out yoga and breathing exercises, yoga smoothens body functioning and breathing exercises help you relieve stress and exhaustion, helping you feel fresh and lively throughout.

You can try out cellulite removing creams, effectiveness of these creams depends on what you choose, however, you can ask a suggestion from your dermatologist and buy one. There are several over the counter products available for cellulite reduction. Removing cellulite is a long process, so if you want to sport a sexy bikini on beach next year you can start with healthy living today.

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