July 01, 2008

Lose Weight with the best way


To lose weight successfully, you must first realize that weight loss is a path with a specific destination. Currently, at the beginning and you are about to take the first step towards changing dietary habits and lifestyle, although if you have a body that you really want.

Of course, it will not be easy - nothing should ever. There should be room in the rear to create obligations that you are finally ready for it. Hence, many people can not even do this ga day. So in a sense, if you're already ahead of the game.

Your goal should be to lose one or two pounds a week, if you lose more than that, very good, but not push for it. You want to stay focused mentally, healthy and determined. If you press too hard or try to force your body to lose a large number, then you're finished stress itself and hit the wall that can lead to failure.

Here are some suggestions you can use to create a successful plan for weight loss:

  • Set reasonable goals
Your first step should be to decide how much you want to lose weight. See 3x5 index cards and write a target of positive statements or down in each. Begin to write your ideal weight is your big final target.
Then you want to set small goals for themselves. Note the goal of losing five kilograms and then ten pounds, twenty pounds, etc.

Write some motivational speeches about you.

"I love me unconditionally"

"I am a grown-up, inside and outside"

"I'll laugh and smile today"

"I deserve and I'm worth it"

Keep your letter in which you can watch every day.

  • Eat small meals more often
These are increasingly likely learned to eat three meals a day. These were probably also taught for cleaning your plate. Although the timetable is the meal is well intentioned, the fact is that you get hungry between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner.
Not only do they have, no doubt much to each meal, but you are also snacking between junk food. Unfortunately, this form of eating led to a lot of weight gain. There is evidence that if you eat several small meals throughout the day, you should not have hungry between meals, and when you do, is easier to sample something that has less calories.
Plan to eat five small meals a day instead of three, and see if it helps reduce the cravings.

  • Keep food Journal
As a newspaper is an excerpt of what happens in your life, daily food, you have control over what is really putting your mouth on a daily basis. You probably have a mental image of what you eat normally, but when you see the writing may be surprised at all the food they eat without even thinking about it.

Please note what you eat, you eat that time, and how it felt when you eat a certain food. Sometimes, when we eat some "comfort food" We are trying to use food to fill an emotional hole in our hearts.

A feeling of loneliness, boredom, stress, anger and low self-esteem are often triggers for food binging. You can write and go back later.

  • Treat Yourself
After achieving one of your goals for weight loss, go ahead and heal into something special. The catch is that you only pay can not be a food. That's right, you will not have a bowl of ice cream or a large slice of pizza.

You're mentally out of thinking about food, as a premium or a blanket of security. So I think on some other things that will put a smile on your face. The money is still a good salary. Maybe you can create a pot of wages and pay to own five U.S. dollars each stage is reached. You can go shopping in a beautiful happiness after reached the ultimate goal of weight.

You can also buy fresh flowers, a beautiful pair of earrings, a new video game, new links, etc.

Another is an excellent idea to own reward coupon books.

I hope this kind of advice and assistance they have succeeded in creating healthy and happy again.


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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